Playing Outside

Playing Outside

October 31, 2010

November 1, 2010

A note from Ms. Poteet

I hope everyone had a spooky, safe Halloween!  I am sure the students will have endless stories to tell.

We will not have school on Tuesday, November 2nd for Election Day.  Many schools in Oldham County are used as voting sites.  

Parent-Teacher Conferences are November 4th and 9th from 3:00-6:00pm and 7:00am.  Please call the office at 228-2228 after 9:00am to schedule a meeting.  If you are not able to meet on the 4th or 9th please e-mail me and we can schedule an alternative conference time. You will receive your child’s progress report at the conference.  Progress reports will not be sent home on Wednesday with the rest of the school.  I look forward to meeting with everyone and discussing your child’s progress. 

Mark your calendar…  Our TERRIFIC Thanksgiving Play will be on Tuesday, November 23rd at 11:20 am.  All families and friends are invited.  You are welcome to stay afterwards for lunch.  Look for more information to come home soon about your child’s costume.  The Kindergarten Team is looking for parents interested in revamping last year’s props for the play.  If you are interested please e-mail me!

It is starting to get chilly outside.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately because we will go outside everyday unless it is raining. 

If you are planning on eating lunch with your child, please note that our lunch time has changed to 12:09-12:34 until after Thanksgiving Break.  We had to change our lunch time in order to have enough play practice time in the gym.  Thanks for your understanding.  After the break, we will switch back to our regular lunch time (11:29-11:54).  Thanks for your understanding! 

Just a reminder... If you signed your child up to attend the Pretend Sleepover it is this Friday.  Please drop your child off at the front entrance of the school (The doors will be locked, but I have a key) at 7:00pm.  Pick your child up at 10:00pm at the same place.  Your child may bring a sleeping bag, blanket, pillow, stuffed animal, and wear their pajamas.  If you planning on having another parent pick up or drop off your child, please let me know in advance.  We will be having s'mores, popcorn (Orville- Smart Pop), and a variety of juices (Fruitables Brand-berry, apple, strawberry-kiwi, tropical orange).  If your child is allergic to any of these snacks, please send in an alternative snack for them to eat and/or drink. We are going to have a blast playing games and watching a movie!  The kids have been taking about it for weeks.  Thanks! 

What are we learning?
Reading Workshop
This week we are learning about Schema.  Students will work on making self-to-text connections.  We will be visiting the school library on Friday.

Writing Workshop
This week we are getting ready to publish our first small moment.  In order to get ready, students will select one piece to publish, add us much detail as possible, and reread their piece to make sure it makes sense.  On Friday, we are writing in our Family Journals.  Please take time over the weekend to read your child’s letter to you and respond. 

Handwriting instruction will focus on developing fine motor skills as well as the proper formation of the following letters:  O, o, U, u

Word Study
This week, we will explore the letters Oo and Uu. Ask your child about the letter sound chants for both.  We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: some, go, be. Have your child sing you the songs for these words.

We will use pan balances to compare weight, practice recognizing our numbers, and begin measuring objects with nonstandard units of measurement.

Social Studies
For the next couple of weeks, we will visit the gym the practice for our Thanksgiving Play. Throughout week we will discuss how the pilgrims lived on the Mayflower and in the new land.

*Send in a healthy peanut-free snack and water bottle (with a pull up spout) every day.
* Our classroom gets very chilly sometimes.  Please send in a light jacket or sweater for your child to keep in their back pack. 
* Sign your child’s weekly planner every night!
* Library book due every Friday!

Related Arts Schedule
Monday         Art in Residence
Tuesday        Art in Residence
Wednesday    Art in Residence
Thursday       Art in Residence
Friday          Art in Residence

October 25, 2010

October 25, 2010

A note from Ms. Poteet

Welcome Back!  I hope everyone had a terrific October Break! 

This week is Red Ribbon Week!  Each day of the week students are encouraged to support our “Be a Hero Everyday- Be Healthy” campaign.
          Monday: Red Ribbon Week Kick-Off- Wear Red Today
          Tuesday: How do heroes use their heads? - Wear a Hat Today
          Wednesday: Who is your everyday hero?
          Thursday: What kind of everyday hero do you want to be? 
          Friday: How do heroes face obstacles? - Wear Camouflage Today

Thursday, October 28th is Picture Day.  Students will take their picture for the yearbook.  Picture order forms will come home shortly after wards, if you are interested.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are November 4th and 9th from 3:00-6:00pm and 7:00am.  Please call the office at 228-2228 after 9:00am to schedule a meeting.  If you are not able to meet on the 4th or 9th please e-mail me and we can schedule an alternative conference time. I look forward to meeting with everyone and discussing your child’s progress.  

Tuesday, November 2nd is Election Day so we will not have school.  Have a great day off!

What are we learning?
Reading Workshop
We are going to start our unit on schema (background knowledge).  We will learn what schema is and how it helps us understand our stories better.  We will be visiting the school library on Friday.

Writing Workshop
This week we are beginning our Small Moments (Personal Narratives) Unit.  We will focus on stretching out our small moments and writing about everyday occurrences.  On Friday, we are writing in our Family Journals.  Please take time over the weekend to read your child’s letter to you and respond. 

Handwriting instruction will focus on developing fine motor skills as well as the proper formation of the following letters:  A, a, E, e, I, i

Word Study
This week, we will explore the letters Aa, Ee, & Ii. Ask your child about the letter sound chants for both.  We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: some, as, out. Have your child sing you the songs for these words.

We will be comparing weight using pan balances, learning to recognize numbers, and learning how to measure objects in our classroom using nonstandard units of measurement (interlocking cubes, paper clips, etc are examples of nonstandard units of measurement).

Everyday Math Home Link
Family Note:
Units of measurement originated from things familiar to people.  Using objects around the house to measure items is one way to help children understand the concept of nonstandard measurement and to practice measuring techniques.

Measure the length of a shoe using pennies instead of inches.  Then, measure someone else’s shoe using pennies.  Did it take more pennies or fewer pennies?

Now measure another object, such as a pencil or a floor tile, using pennies.

Find something else to measure with- like raisins or a small toy.

This week we are continuing our Native Americans- Past, Present, and Future Unit.  For the next several weeks we will meet the other kindergarten classes in the gym for our Thanksgiving play practice.  

*Send in a healthy peanut-free snack and water bottle (with a pull up spout) every day.
* Our classroom gets very chilly sometimes.  Please send in a light jacket or sweater for your child to keep in their back pack. 
* Sign your child’s weekly planner every night!
* Library book due every Friday!

Related Arts Schedule
Monday         Art
Tuesday        Art
Wednesday    Art
Thursday       Art
Friday           Music

October 10, 2010

October 11, 2010

A note from Ms. Poteet

Wow, we had the perfect day for our field trip to Gallrein Farms last week.  The kids had a terrific time playing on the straw pyramid, going on the hayride, picking a pumpkin, going to the petting zoo, and getting lost in the corn maze.  Thanks so much for the chaperones who volunteered to attend the field trip (Ms. Roberts, Ms. Esterle, Ms. Edward, Ms. Johnson, Ms. Kastman, Ms. Middleton, Ms. Monarch, and Ms. Zimmerman- even though you weren’t able to make it)!  We couldn’t have done it without you!  Check out our pictures below on the previous post (click on the play button). 

Thanks to all of the parents who ordered from the Scholastic Book Club.  Our class received 24 free books! 

Mark your calendars for Picture Day on October 28th.  Students will take their picture for the yearbook.  Picture order forms will come home shortly after wards, if you are interested. 

I would like to thank the Prospect Kroger for donating brown paper grocery bags to our class!

In an effort to maximize instructional time, please have your child eat breakfast at home if at all possible.  Many students are not arriving until after 7:40 and are asking to go get breakfast.  By the time these students come back, they only have a few minutes to eat breakfast and complete their morning work (concepts are reviewed at this time).  Ms. Theresa also pulls several students before school to receive additional word wall word review, handwriting practice, reading instruction, and letter sound review.  Students cannot fully focus on their learning while eating breakfast. Thanks for your understanding!

I hope everyone enjoys some quality family time next week!  I cannot wait to come back and here everyone’s stories.  When we come back we will start working on our Thanksgiving Play!

What are we learning?
Reading Workshop
This week we will wrap up our unit on Reading Strategies by completing a Reading Strategies Writing to Demonstrate Learning (look for a copy of this assessment to come home with a rubric soon).  We will kick off our Comprehension Strategies Unit by learning about metacognition (thinking about our thinking).  During your nightly reading, encourage your child to tell you what they are thinking about the book using Metacognition Thinking stems (I’m thinking, I’m noticing, I’m wondering, I’m seeing, and I’m feeling). We will be visiting the school library on Friday.

Writing Workshop
This week we are focusing on choosing topics we know and care about, adding labels, and organizing our writing.  On Friday, we are writing in our Family Journals.  Please take time over the weekend to read your child’s letter to you and respond. 

Handwriting instruction will focus on developing fine motor skills as well as the proper formation of the following letters:  Y, y, Z, z, V, v, X, and x

Word Study
This week, we will explore the letters Yy, Zz, Vv, and Xx. Ask your child about the letter sound chants for both.  We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: look, is, there. Have your child sing you the songs for these words.

On Monday, we will complete our Patterns Writing to Demonstrate Learning Assessment (look for this assessment and rubric to come home soon).  The rest of the week we will focus on correctly writing and recognizing numbers. 

This week we are continuing our Native Americans- Past, Present, and Future Unit.  We will learn about the Eastern Woodland Native American clothing, food, and what they are doing today.  We also will learn about the Pacific Northwest Native Americans lifestyle, clothing, food, and homes.  On Friday we will compare the Eastern Woodland and Pacific Northwest Native American regions.

*Send in a healthy peanut-free snack and water bottle (with a pull up spout) every day.
* Our classroom gets very chilly sometimes.  Please send in a light jacket or sweater for your child to keep in their back pack. 
* Sign your child’s weekly planner every night!
* Library book due every Friday!

Related Arts Schedule
Monday         PE
Tuesday        PE
Wednesday    PE
Thursday       Art
Friday          Art

October 3, 2010

Husky Hustle 2010

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Lunch in the Classroom

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October 4, 2010

A note from Ms. Poteet

The kids had a blast at the Husky Hustle on Friday.  Our class collected more than $600 for our school to purchase new computers and other school supplies.  Great Job!  Thanks to the parents who were able to come out and cheer our kids along. 

We had a great turn out for the Harmony Harvest!  Thanks to all of the families who stopped by the Book Fair to purchase books and visit me.  Many kids showed up with blue lips, painted faces, and tired eyes.  I hope everyone had a wonderful time! 

On Wednesday, we are going on our first field trip to Gallrein Farms.  We plan to leave school around 9:30am and return around 2:00pm.  We will get to pick a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch, go on a hayride, take an adventure through the corn maze, have a picnic lunch, and feed the animals in the petting zoo!  Your child will need a sack lunch and drink, to wear old tennis shoes that can get dirty, and to dress for the weather.  Please cross your fingers that our class t-shirts come in before the field trip (There was a delay in the processing).  If our class t-shirts come in on time, please have your child wear it on Wednesday.  

Box Tops for Education are due this Friday.  Please send them in a baggie labeled, "Poteet."  Funds from Box Tops go directly into our classroom budget.  Keep collecting Box Tops the rest of the year.  Thanks!

What are we learning?
Reading Workshop
This week we will continue learning about strategies good readers use.  This week we will focus on asking ourselves, “Does it make sense?” and asking a friend for help.  We will be visiting the school library on Friday.

Writing Workshop
This week students will finally get to use their fabulous Writing Folders!  We will focus on what writers do when they are finished and how to draw even hard to make ideas.  On Friday, we are writing in our Family Journals.  Please take time over the weekend to read your child’s letter to you and respond. 

Handwriting instruction will focus on developing fine motor skills as well as the proper formation of the following letters:  J, j, W, w, Q, and q

Word Study
This week, we will explore the letters Jj, Ww, and Qq. Ask your child about the letter sound chants for both.  We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: with, up, all. Have your child sing you the songs for these words.

This week in math look for symmetry in nature, make a bar graph of our favorite activities in school, writing our numbers correctly, and making patterns with macaroni.   

Everyday Math Home Link
Family Note:
Your child is learning to identify a pattern in a simple arrangement of objects and to predict how the pattern will continue.  The concept of predictable, repeating patterns is an important part of mathematics.

You can make patterns with food.  Use cereal or crackers that have different shapes and colors.  Make shape patterns, color patterns, or both.  Glue your pattern on paper.    

This week we are starting our Native Americans- Past, Present, and Future Unit.  We will learn about the Native American regions (our class will focus on Eastern Woodland Native Americans and Pacific Northwest Native American), how the Eastern Woodland Native Americans lived, what their homes looked like, and their clothing. 

*Send in a healthy peanut-free snack and water bottle (with a pull up spout) every day.
* Our classroom gets very chilly sometimes.  Please send in a light jacket or sweater for your child to keep in their back pack. 
* Sign your child’s weekly planner every night!
* Library book due every Friday!

Related Arts Schedule
Monday         Music
Tuesday        PE
Wednesday    PE
Thursday       PE
Friday           PE