Playing Outside

Playing Outside

School Wide Food Policy

For the health and safety of all students, Harmony Elementary has a NO Food Policy.

1) No food may be brought in for celebrations (birthdays, holiday parties, writing celebrations, end of the year activities, etc.). Only Nonfood items (pencils, erasers, stickers) may be used for celebrations.

2) No food will be used for instruction, prizes, awards, or treats during school.

3) Each teacher will compose an acceptable "healthy snack" list based on his or her students' needs to be sent home at the beginning of each year. Based on this list, students can bring in an individual snack for their own consumption. No sharing or community snacks will be available.

Our Class's Healthy Snack List

Each child is allowed to bring one healthy, peanut-free snack and a small water bottle each day.

- Carrots
- Broccoli
- Celery Sticks
- Cheese Stick
- Fruit (grapes, pre-sliced orange, banana, pre-sliced apple, cherries, etc.)
- Crackers
- Pretzels
- Goldfish
- Dried Fruit (Raisins)
- Apple Sauce (Unsweetened)
- Fruit Cup (Light Syrup)
- Popcorn
- Rice Cakes
- Granola Bars
- Cereal Bars