What can I do to prepare my child for his/her day?
It is important to start the day with a hearty, healthy breakfast. This is important because we have a long morning and the children need all the energy that they can get! Our cafeteria will have breakfast choices daily from 7:25-7:35. Breakfast does cost .75.
What time does school officially begin?
School officially begins at 7:40 a.m. and ends at 2:20 p.m. It is helpful if your child is there before 7:40 to "get settled in." It is not comfortable to feel rushed. The students will have several tasks to perform daily as part of their routine.
What Related Arts rotation will my child's class begin with?
We will rotate to a new Related Arts class every five days. Please send your child to school wearing appropriate gym shoes for the Physical Education rotation. Announcements will be posted on our weekly newsletter and in your child's weekly planner.
Will my child need to bring a snack to school?
We will be eating snack daily at 9:15. Please send a HEALTHY (low in sugar and peanut-free) snack to school with your child. Also, please do not send "gummy" snack such as fruit roll ups. They tend to make "sticky" messes. Your child may also have a small water bottle, but WATER ONLY please.
What time is my child's lunch?
We eat lunch at 10:55-11:20
Can I send?...
School policy clearly states that family members are NOT allowed to bring food treats into the classroom. Treats other than food can be sent with your child to celebrate special occasions. Pencils and erasers make great gifts.
Will I be able to volunteer in my child's classroom?
I love volunteers! This year I really need reading volunteers. Volunteer information and sign ups will be sent home at the beginning of the school year. Please remember that you CANNOT volunteer without first completing confidentiality training. You can contact the office at anytime for information on training sessions.
How can I keep an open line of communication with my child's teacher?
There are several ways for family members to stay updated on classroom activities. We will have weekly planners and weekly Bloomz updates. Please feel free to contact me anytime by calling the school (228-2228) or email me @ jessica.bailey@oldham.kyschools.us
Should I be reading to my child, or should my child be reading to me?
Both! Each night, spend 10-20 minutes reading WITH your child. Independent readers should be reading to you most of that time. Emerging, or new, readers will still need to be read too. Find "Right Fit" books to read. These are books that your child can read with only 1-3 mistakes per page.
If my child reads independently, do I still need to have them read to me?
If your child enjoys reading to themselves, don't discourage this! Reading out loud allows you to check for fluency, and help them with word attack skills. However, just as important is comprehension. If your child would prefer to read quietly to his/herself, take time to discuss the reading selection afterward. Ask him/her about what he/she read; about the plot and the characters, and ask them if he/she enjoys the story.
Should I correct my child while he/she is reading?
Help your child by encouraging them to use picture clues from the page, sounding out the word, or using context clues (read the rest of the sentence, then go back to decide what the word is). When they make mistakes, ask "Does that make sense?"
My child's writing makes me crazy! How can I help him spell correctly?
Patience! They didn't learn to walk or speak overnight, and they won't learn to spell overnight, either! Spelling phonetically (by the sounds that make up the words)is developmentally appropriate. However, they sometimes need encouragement to hear all the sounds within the word. In class, I tell the children to "stretch" the words. When they slow the word down to hear ALL the sounds within the word, they spell better. Another suggestion is to have a list of important words at home that they can access. Read the website announcements for weekly word wall words, and practice them at home. Also, reading helps spelling. Keep up with 15-20 minutes per night of reading- it will pay off!
How do I send in my child's lunch money?
All lunch checks should include your child's lunch number. Please put any money in an envelope or Ziploc bag and write my name, your child's name, and their lunch number on the front.
How do I change my child's transportation home?
All transportation note changes should include first and last names (parent and child), my name, the date, and a clear description of the change. You may attach the notes to the agenda or put them in your child's take home folder.
What should I tell my child's teacher?
Students do best when parents and teachers work together as partners. The start of a new school year is a great time to open a dialogue with your child’s teacher. Not sure where to start? Here are seven things teachers wish you would tell them. Sharing this information with a teacher will help her better understand your child’s needs and lay the groundwork for a cooperative relationship throughout the school year.
1. Health conditions: If your child is diabetic, uses an inhaler, is allergic to peanuts, or has a serious health condition, her teacher should know. It’s also helpful to let the teacher know whether your child has been diagnosed with conditions like ADHD, which may affect behavior and concentration.
2. Family issues: Fill in the teacher if your family is going through a major change that could affect your child, such as a divorce, a death in the family, or a move. Even if your child seems to have adjusted well, alert teachers so they can watch for behavioral changes.
3. Personality traits or behavior issues: Maybe your son is painfully shy and is worried about making friends at a new school. Or perhaps your child has been having tantrums at home and you’re concerned she’ll do the same at school. It’s best to make teachers aware of these issues before they become a problem at school.
4. Strengths and weaknesses: Your daughter is a star student in math but is embarrassed to read aloud. Your son loves language arts but struggles with science. If you tell teachers these things up front, they’ll have more time to help your children improve in the areas they need it most.
5. Learning style: You’ve spent years teaching your kids, from potty training to tying shoelaces, so you have a good idea of their learning styles. If your child learns better through hands-on activities than through listening to explanations, mention that to his teacher. Also share any teaching strategies that you’ve found work well with your child.
6. Study habits: Does your son speed through math homework but labor over reading assignments? Do your daughter’s grades suffer because she spends so much time at skating lessons? Tell teachers about your children’s study habits and any issues they face in completing the work. Teachers often can offer suggestions to make homework time go more smoothly.
7. Special interests: Knowing more about your child’s hobbies or interests can help the teacher forge connections in the classroom. Let the teacher know that your young son loves a particular comic book superhero and that your middle school daughter is a gifted painter.
Modified from http://www.schoolfamily.com/school-family-articles/article/727-7-things-to-tell-the-teacher.
How do I help my child with their homework?
There are things you can do that will help your child do assigned homework and that result in learning, which, after all, is the reason for being in school.
- Communicate with your child about school. This includes talking to him about his friends, activities, teachers, and assignments.
- Show enthusiasm about school and homework.
- Help your child get organized. Break down assignments into smaller, more manageable parts.
- Provide a quiet study corner in your home complete with paper, markers, a ruler, pencils and a dictionary.
- Never do your child's homework!
- Expect, and praise genuine progress and effort. An opinion: don't praise or otherwise reward your child for doing what you and he know is expected. This practice leads you down a slippery slope, often with really bad consequences for you and your child. Be specific when you do praise something.
- Focus on your child's strengths in school.
- Build associations between what is taught and what your child already knows and understands.
- Incorporate concrete materials and examples whenever possible. Try to help your child learn about the subject in more than one way, using as many senses as possible.
- Separate your child's school weaknesses from your child. If your child fails a test, that is all the child fails. He or she is not a failure.
Modified from http://www.adprima.com/parents.htm