Playing Outside

Playing Outside



Please have your child read for 10-20 minutes each night. Record the nightly reading in his/her weekly planner. I will check the planner daily!

Check the bottom of this page for the reading strategies we will be studying. Don't forget that good readers incorporate all of these strategies when reading.

Word Wall Words:
Every night spend a few minutes helping your child read their Word Wall Words (sent home on Monday's).  Your child's goal is to decode each word instantly.  Each week, we will add more works to practice.  Spend more time on the words your child is struggling to read.  Review words your child has already studied.  Once they have mastered reading the words, try to write/spell them as well. Practice reading the words flashcard style or by playing a fun game (Pig, Wordo, using a game board).

Reflection Journals:
At the end of every week, our class will reflect on all the fun things that we did and learned. Then each child will write his/her own personal entry in a journal. This entry is to be read by the family followed by a written response in the journal. The journals should be returned to school on Monday. I'm sure you will enjoy discussing the entries with your child as much as your child will enjoy reading your comments. This is also a wonderful keepsake to have at the end of the year

What strategies do good readers use?
1. They look at the pictures. (This helps get an idea of what the story is about. Also, when stuck on a word, look at the picture to help predict what the word might be.)
2. They make sure that what they read makes sense. (Children can check that what they read is logical and sensible.)
3. They get their mouths ready. (Children can get their mouths ready and make the beginning sounds if they get stuck on an unknown word.)
4. They ask, "Does it look right?" (Cross-check meaning with pictures)
5. They reread. (Children reread to make sure what they are reading makes sense.)
6. They ask, "Does it sound right?" (Cross-check meaning by asking "Does it sound right?")
7. They look for chunks. (Look for chunks at difficult words.)