Playing Outside

Playing Outside

April 9, 2013

April 8, 2013

Thirty-four days left of school, can you believe it?  Our time has flown this year, and the end of the year will be upon us quickly! Please continue to follow our blog and e-mail updates, as we will have a lot to keep up with in the next few weeks.

Our first Rockin’ Relay fundRaiser for Relay for Life is this Friday, April 12th.  Please donate $1 to participate in a school wide Pajama Day.  Sleep in and wear your PJs to school! (Regular shoes, please.)  Be sure to check your Wednesday folder for more Relay for Life information.

Dates to Remember: 
On Thursday and Friday this week, we will celebrate Arbor Day.  Your child will come home with a sapling on Friday.

What are we learning?

Reading Workshop
This week we are beginning our ELA unit on, “The Great Big World.” We will explore non-fiction and fictional tales from all of the continents.  This week, we are exploring Asia.

Writing Workshop
We will use our discussion of art from Asia as a springboard into adding descriptive settings to our own writing.  We will write in our Family Journals on Friday.

Word Study
This week, we will explore word families (-ick, -uck, -ock & -ack).  We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: know, now, and too.  Have your child spell these and use them in a sentence.  You can practice these on SpellingCity. Find them in your reading!

We will use calculators and other methods to solve number stories.   

Related Arts Schedule
