Playing Outside

Playing Outside

August 29, 2013

September 3, 2013

September 3, 2013

A note from Ms. Poteet…

Thank you for coming to Parent Orientation. It was great to see so many faces!

Kindergarten students’ reading skills progress so quickly, but I need your help. I would like to have every child meet with their reading group every day. That is such an amazing opportunity for the children. To do this, I need about three more people to be a weekly reading group volunteer, or to commit to two days/week. Dads, grandparents, aunts and uncles are always welcome volunteers! I promise it is easy and fun and only takes 30 minutes per week. If you are able to do this, please email me. J

Keep practicing those lunch numbers!

In the middle of September, I will begin “Shoe Tying Awards” for those who know how to tie their own shoes. Practice, practice! J

What are we learning?

Reading Workshop
We are learning how to take care of book and how to find them and put them away in our classroom library. We will learn how to use symbols and pictures on the backs of the books to help us find the correct basket.

Writing Workshop
This week, we are learning how to plan our writing.  This means that students will sketch their picture, and then describe it orally.  Next, we will count on our fingers how many words were said and plan our page for our words.  Be sure to look for those family journals on Friday. They sure loved reading your responses on Monday!

Handwriting instruction will focus on developing fine motor skills as well as the proper formation of the following letters: G, g, T and t.

Word Study
This week, we will explore the letters Gg and Tt. Ask your child about the letter sound chants for both. We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: it, I & he. Have your child sing you the songs for these words.

We are continuing to compare the length of objects and will begin to explore capacity.  There are many fun extensions you can do at home.  Children often think that a taller glass has a greater capacity than a shorter wide one.  Playing with a variety of cups and water/rice/sand is great fun!

Social Studies
This week we are learning more about social skills, including: taking turns, making friends, and how to empathize with a friend. 

Related Arts Schedule
