Playing Outside

Playing Outside

July 4, 2016

Welcome Back!

Welcome to First Grade! I hope you and your family had a fabulous summer and are excited to start the new school year. This is our classroom blog. I will update our blog with important information including what we are learning, important dates, pictures of our classroom adventures, and other school news. Take some time to explore our blog before school starts.  Parents also check out the homework, FAQ, and school wide food policy tabs for your information. 

I look forward to seeing everyone at Harmony's Open House on August 15th from 5-7 pm. Please bring your child’s school supplies and paperwork to our open house. You will find a list of our school supplies here: Harmony Supply Lists  You will need to order some or all of your school supplies from edukits.  No need to label any of your child's supplies.  I will label everything afterwards. First Graders will need to bring their own backpacks this year (no wheels please).  Thanks! 

Important Dates

August 14th: Popsicles in the Park 4:30-5:30 at Wendell Moore Park (next to the OC Aquatic Center)
August 15th: Open House 5-7 (Please bring your paperwork and school supplies)
August 17th: First Day of School