Playing Outside

Playing Outside

March 18, 2013

March 18, 2013

A note from Ms. Poteet…

Please remember to send in a small healthy snack for our morning snack time!

Dates to remember:
March 20- Early Release day
March 29- Writing Celebration at 12:45 in the Library
April 1-April 5- Spring Break- No School

What are we learning?
Reading Workshop
This week we are learning about schema and how to make connections while we read.  Students are also learning how that helps us as readers.   
Writing Workshop
We are continuing to write our All About Me Books.  We will write in our Family Journals on Friday.

Word Study
This week, we will explore word families (-ed, -est,-ob –ab).  We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: our, look, where.  Have your child spell these and use them in a sentence.  Find them in your reading!

We continue to work on place value of numbers 11-19.  

Social Studies
We are finishing our American symbols unit this week.  We will begin a geography unit about the 7 continents and oceans of the world. 

Related Arts Schedule

March 11, 2013

March 11, 2013

A note from Ms. Poteet…
It was great to have a chance to talk to several of you about your children last week.  I am always so tickled to reflect on how far they have all come in the past months.  And now we have less than 50 days to go.  Unbelievable!  I will visit with more parents this coming Wednesday.  If you did not get a conference, it’s not too late.  Please call or e-mail me about available times and days.  Phone conferences are also an option.

Homework: Tomorrow, you will see a page entitled “Family Celebrations.” This is a page for our “All About Me” books that we our working on in class.  At home, I’d like you, as a family, to draw and write about one family celebration.  This could be a holiday, or any special event that you have as a family.  Please turn these in by Monday, March 18th.  Our class writing celebration will be the last day before Spring Break, March 29th at 12:45. Please look for an invitation this week.

 Field Trip: Tomorrow is our trip to the Louisville Auditorium to see “The Three Little Pigs”.  Please have your child wear their orange class t-shirts.  Also, send a packed lunch.  We will be eating in the classroom, and this will make things easier for all of us!

Dates to Remember
·         March 12th: Field Trip to see The Three Little Pigs
·         March 20th: Early Release Day
·         March 29th: Writing Celebration at 12:45
·         April 1-5th: Spring Break


What are we learning?

Reading Workshop
This week we are working on asking questions while reading.  We will focus on asking who, what, when, where, and why questions.

Writing Workshop
We are continuing to write our All About Me Books.  We will write in our Family Journals on Friday.

Word Study
This week, we will explore short I chunks (-im, -in, -ing, -it).  We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: into, put, over.  Have your child sing you the songs for these words.

We are working on place value of numbers 11-19.  

Social Studies
We are learning about American Symbols and Celebrations.  This week we are focusing on the American Flag.    

Related Arts Schedule




March 5, 2013

We are GREAT Readers!

Our Class Makes the Morning News!

March 4, 2013

A note from Ms. Poteet…

Last week we reviewed reading strategies proficient readers use to decode unknown words.  To help your child become a better reader, encourage them to use the following strategies:
Strategy #1: Look at the picture.
-         Good readers look carefully at the pictures in the story.
-         Look at the pictures before reading to predict what might happen in the story.
-         Look at the pictures while reading to help you better understand the story.
-         Look at the pictures for clues when stuck on a tricky word.
-         Look at the pictures after you have finished reading to help you retell the story.
Strategy #2: Get your mouth ready.
-         Good readers get their mouth ready to make the sounds in a tricky word.
-         Get your mouth ready for the beginning sound of a tricky word.
-         Get your mouth ready for the ending sound of a tricky word.
-         Get your mouth ready to blend all the sounds in the word.
Strategy # 3: Look for chunks.
-         Good readers look for chunks they know in a tricky word.
-         Look for chunks you know in words.  Words are like puzzles, they are made of many different pieces.  Many times you will find pieces in a tricky word that you already know like…parts of word wall words, word families, endings, etc.
Strategy # 4: Reread
-         Good readers reread the part of the story with the tricky word.
-         Good readers reread difficult parts.
-         Good readers reread to decide on a word that would fit in the story.
-         Good readers reread to better understand the story.
-         Good readers reread to build fluency
Strategy #5: Ask yourself- Does it make sense?  Does it look right?  Does it sound right?
-         Good readers ask themselves, “Does it make sense?” when they are trying to figure out a tricky word.
-         Ask yourself, “Does the word make sense in the story?”
-         Ask yourself, “Does it sound right in this sentence?”
-         Ask yourself, “Does it look right – like the word on the page?”
-         If the answer is no, then try another word until it makes sense in the story.
Strategy #6: Ask a Friend
-         Good readers ask a friend to help them with a tricky word when nothing else works.
-         Ask a friend for help when you have tried all the strategies and you still can’t figure out the tricky word.
-         Ask a friend for help when you feel frustrated with the tricky word.
-         The “Ask a Friend” strategy should only be used as a last resort.
Dates to Remember
·         March 6th: Progress Reports Go Home
·         March 7th: Picture Day - Individual and Class pictures
·         March 12th: Field Trip to see The Three Little Pigs

What are we learning?
Reading Workshop
This week we are working on asking questions while reading.  We will focusing on asking who, what, when, where, and why questions.
Writing Workshop
We are continuing to write our All About Books.  We will write in our Family Journals on Friday.

Word Study
This week, we will explore r-blends: pr, tr, dr, cr, fr, gr.  We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: make, here, before.  Have your child sing you the songs for these words.

We are working on place value of numbers 11-19.  

Social Studies
We are learning about American Symbols and Celebrations.  This week we are focusing on the Mt. Rushmore and the Statue of Liberty.  

Related Arts Schedule