Playing Outside

Playing Outside

September 24, 2010

September 27, 2010

A note from Ms. Poteet

Wow, our class performed amazingly well on last week’s Word Wall Word Assessment!  Almost all students scored 100%!  Thanks for working with your child every night to learn how to read, spell, and write these words!  Keep it up!

On Tuesday our class will be going to the Scholastic Book Fair from 12:00-12:30.  I encourage you to join us!  You may even want to come early and eat lunch with your child in the cafeteria (We eat lunch from 11:29-11:54).  This would be a great opportunity for you and your child to purchase books for them to read at home.  All proceeds from the book fair benefit Harmony’s Library.  If you won’t be able to make, you are welcome to send in money for your child to purchase books. 

Wednesday is an Early Release Day.  School will dismiss at 12:25.  Please send in a note if your child’s transportation will change.

The Husky Hustle is this Friday from 1:30-2:15.  This is a family event and the kids love to have families walk with them.  We hope you will join us! Don’t forget to send in your Husky Hustle pledges!  100% of the pledges benefit Harmony students.  We use the money to purchase computers and other school supplies.

The Harmony Harvest is also this Friday from 6:00-8:30 pm.  Please be sure to take a look at the silent auction items when you come.  I am auctioning a “Pretend Slumber Party” in our classroom on Friday, November 5th from 7:00-10:00 pm.  The cost for the auction item will be $25 and all students are welcome.  It will be a night filled with good treats to eat, games to play, and a movie on the big screen!  The students get to wear their pajamas, bring pillows, stuffed animals, and a sleeping bag.  I hope lots of you sign up for the fun-filled night! 

Kindergarten students are expected to use the Harmony Book Bag throughout the year to transport their belongings back and forth to school.  The book bags help identify kindergarten students to bus drivers, substitutes, and other school employees.  It also makes it easier for me and Ms. Theresa to quickly glance in each student’s bag in the morning to check for lunch checks, folders, and notes that your child may have forgotten to turn in.  We do not have time in the morning to go through all of the compartments in alternative book bags.  If you need to purchase another book bag, the Harmony book stores sells them!  Thanks for your understanding!

Don’t forget to send in a healthy snack every day!  Many students have been forgetting the past two weeks!

What are we learning?
Reading Workshop
This week we will continue learning about strategies good readers use.  This week we will focus on looking for chunks in words and rereading. We will be visiting the school library on Friday.

Writing Workshop
We are wrapping up our Kid Writing unit this week.  Students will focus on the many strategies they have learned throughout the unit.  On Friday, we are writing in our Family Journals.  Please take time over the weekend to read your child’s letter to you and respond. 

Handwriting instruction will focus on developing fine motor skills as well as the proper formation of the following letters:  L, l, K, & k.

Word Study
This week, we will explore the letters Ll and Kk. Ask your child about the letter sound chants for both.  We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: they, had, at. Have your child sing you the songs for these words.

This week in math we will solve addition and subtraction number stories, estimate number of objects, and explore symmetry. 

Everyday Math Home Link
Family Note:
A penny jar provides great mathematics opportunities!  Counting the pennies together reinforces the counting skills we are working on in school.  Estimation is not just guessing.  It is using what you know to make a “smart guess.”

Start a penny jar to collect your family’s pennies.  Once a week, estimate how many coins are in the jar. 

We are continuing to observe our corn growing.  The kids are really enjoying watching the changes.  We will study the differences between deciduous and evergreen plants.  We also have a Megaskills assembly focusing on NED (Never give up, Encourage others, Do your best).

*Send in a healthy peanut-free snack and water bottle (with a pull up spout) every day.
* Our classroom gets very chilly sometimes.  Please send in a light jacket or sweater for your child to keep in their back pack. 
* Sign your child’s weekly planner every night!
* Library book due every Friday!

Related Arts Schedule
Monday         Music
Tuesday        Music
Wednesday    Music
Thursday       Music
Friday           Music

September 18, 2010

September 20, 2010

A note from Ms. Poteet

On Monday look for your child’s Reading Strategy Booklet to come home.  We will be learning about the six Reading Strategies listed in the booklet over the next couple of weeks.  Keep the booklet next to you and your child when you are reading every night.  Refer to it when your child comes to a tricky word in their book. 

On Thursday, September 23rd our class is going to visit the Book Fair to preview the books.  We will not make purchases on Thursday.  Students will just get the chance to browse the books they can purchases the following week. Look for the Scholastic Book Fair Pamphlet to come on in your child’s Wednesday Folder.  This pamphlet lists all of the books that will be available at the Book Fair.  On Tuesday, September 28th we will visit the Book Fair to make purchases at 12:00pm (right after lunch).  I encourage you to come on the 28th to help your child make purchases. If you would like your child to purchase a book and will not be able to attend the Book Fair on the 28th, you are welcome to circle the books you want your child to buy on the Scholastic Book Fair Pamphlet and send in a check made out to Harmony Elementary School (cash is welcome too).  Purchasing books for the Book Fair is completely voluntary.  All proceeds will benefit Harmony’s Library.   

I have noticed some of our students are struggling to spell their word wall words correctly on our weekly assessments.  Try to make word wall homework fun at home by having your child write their words in shaving cream on the table, roll out the letters of each of their words using play dough, or write each word on an index card, cut the letters apart, and have your child sort the letters.  Last year, I used to help kids learn their word wall words.  Just type in your child’s word wall words and click on “Test Me,” “Teach Me,” or “Play a Game.”  The site will create games, quizzes, and teach your child how to spell each word.  Many kids liked this program last year and it is free.

Mark your calendar for Harmony’s Harvest on Friday, October 1st from 6:00-8:00pm.  The night will be filled with games and good treats. Bring the whole family!  I hope to see you there!

Our third annual Husky Hustle will take place on October 1st! This is our school's largest fundraiser of the year. This event also helps our classroom because 10% of what we raise goes directly to us! I can use the extra money to purchase fun, hands-on learning tools, books, and games. Please encourage your child to collect donations!

What are we learning?
 Reading Workshop
This week we will continue learning about strategies good readers use including looking at the pictures to help use figure out tricky words (Strategy #1: Look at the Pictures) and sounding out words using the beginning and ending sound (Strategy #2: Get Your Mouth Ready).  We will be visiting the school library on Friday.

Writing Workshop
We are continuing our Kid Writing unit this week.  Students will focus on adding labels to their pictures, using spaghetti (between letters) and meatball spaces (between words), and adding punctuation.  On Friday, we are writing our fifth entry in our Family Journals.  Please take time over the weekend to read your child’s letter to you and respond. 

Handwriting instruction will focus on developing fine motor skills as well as the proper formation of the following letters:  F, f, D, & d 

Word Study
This week, we will explore the letters Ff and Dd. Ask your child about the letter sound chants for both.  We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: she, for, on. Have your child sing you the songs for these words.

We are learning to recognize coins, use a number board, and read and count the tricky teen numbers.   

Everyday Math Home Link
Family Note:
Children will learn about coins and their values by handling them, sorting them, matching them, helping you pay for items, and collecting change.  Look for opportunities for your child to help you handle and use real money.  Allow your child to empty a coin purse, search your pockets, or look under the couch cushions to find coins at home. Have him or her practice matching and sorting the coins, taking care to notice bother sides of the coins.

Be a Coin Detective!  Draw a picture of all the coins you find in your house.  Sort the coins.  Count how many of each type of coin you have.  Write the number for each type of coin.

 Social Studies
We are continuing our unit on plants. We will learn the parts of a corn plant, how the parts of a plant work together, how to make observations like scientist, and how farming provides food. 

*Send in a healthy peanut-free snack and water bottle (with a pull up spout) every day.
* Our classroom gets very chilly sometimes.  Please send in a light jacket or sweater for your child to keep in their back pack. 
* Sign your child’s weekly planner every night!
* Library book due every Friday!

Related Arts Schedule
Monday         Art
Tuesday        Art
Wednesday    Art
Thursday       Art
Friday           Art

September 10, 2010

September 13, 2010

A note from Ms. Poteet

Thanks to Ms. Zimmerman, Ms. Skelton, Ms. Kastman, and Ms. Pennybaker for signing up to lead a guided reading group.  Guiding reading groups are vital in teaching kids strategies needed to become proficient, independent readers. 

Please let me know if you are interested in being a Mystery Reader.  We have an opening this Friday at 9:00 am!

What are we learning?
 Reading Workshop
This week we are learning how to choose just right books, how readers get their mind ready before reading (making predictions), and how to take a picture walk. We will be visiting the school library on Friday.

Writing Workshop
We are continuing our Kid Writing unit this week.  Students will focus on starting their sentences with capital letters and using end punctuation.  On Friday, we are writing our fourth entry in our Family Journals.  Please take time over the weekend to read your child’s letter to you and respond. 

Handwriting instruction will focus on developing fine motor skills as well as the proper formation of the following letters:  C, c, H, & h 

Word Study
This week, we will explore the letters Cc and Hh. Ask your child about the letter sound chants for both.  We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: said, his, that. Have your child sing you the songs for these words.

We are learning direction words (over, under, around, on top, etc), how to count and read numbers 1-10, about the patterns all around us, how to count orally, and how to write their numbers.

Everyday Math Home Link
Family Note:
Help your child find patterns around your house and neighborhood.  Look at fences, buildings, doors, windows, wallpaper, and fabrics.  Try to draw some of the patterns that you see.  If possible, take a camera along and record some patterns you find. 

Look outdoors and in your home for objects that have patterns.  Choose your favorite pattern to draw and bring to school to share on Thursday.

 Social Studies
We are continuing our unit on plants. We are learning that plants need light, warmth, water, and nutrients to survive.  On Tuesday we are going to plant our very own corn seed!  We are going to observe our plant grow over the next couple of weeks. We will begin learning about the parts of plant on Friday.

*Send in a healthy peanut-free snack and water bottle (with a pull up spout) every day.
* Our classroom gets very chilly sometimes.  Please send in a light jacket or sweater for your child to keep in their back pack. 
* Sign your child’s weekly planner every night!
* Library book due every Friday!

Related Arts Schedule
Monday         PE
Tuesday        PE
Wednesday    PE
Thursday       PE
Friday          Art

September 3, 2010

September 7, 2010

A note from Ms. Poteet

 I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend! 

Continue reading every night for 10-20 minutes, record the title of the book you read on your child’s weekly planner, and practice your flash cards. Don’t forget to sign your child’s weekly planner every night and their weekly report on Friday.  Please send the weekly report back on Monday. 

This week we will start guided reading groups.  Look for your child’s guided reading book to come home on Wednesday.  Guided reading books are book that we have worked with in class.  Please read the book 2-3 times again at home.  Rereading is a great way to build fluency and confidence as a reader.  Reading this book can be part of your 10-20 minute nightly reading.  Send the book back the following day.  Your child will not get to bring another book home, until you send the first one back. 

Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering to work with a reading group.  We still need a volunteer on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 8:10-8:40 am.  Please call or e-mail me if you are interested.

Last Friday your child brought home their first library book.  Please send the book back by this Friday in their special library book bag, so your child can check out a new book. 

If your child needs to eat breakfast at school, they must be at school by 7:30 am.  If your child get’s to school after 7:35 am they don’t have time to eat breakfast. 

What are we learning?
 Reading Workshop
This week we are learning how to select books for our book bucket, choose a place to read around the room, how to turn and talk during a read aloud, and how to buddy read. We will be visiting the school library on Friday.

Writing Workshop
We are continuing our Kid Writing unit this week.  Students will focus stretching our words out like bubble gum to help them figure out how to spell their words.  On Friday, we are writing our third entry in our Family Journals.  Please take time over the weekend to read your child’s letter to you and respond. 

Handwriting instruction will focus on developing fine motor skills as well as the proper formation of the following letters:  N, n, P, & p 

Word Study
This week, we will explore the letters Nn and Pp. Ask your child about the letter sound chants for both.  We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: of, in, was. Have your child sing you the songs for these words.

We are learning to compare length, count and read numbers up to 10, name and describe shape attributes, and how to describe shapes by touch.    

Everyday Math Home Link
Family Note:
It is helpful to be able to recognize and identify a variety of shapes.  Ask your child questions about an item’s shape when the opportunity arises and the timing seems appropriate.  By taking note of the shapes all around, you help your child build awareness of geometry concepts and vocabulary.

Play I Spy with someone.  Pick an object that you can see.  Give a clue about the shape of the object.  The other person guesses which object you are describing.  Begin with easy clues and then give some harder ones.  Take turns trying to stump each other.

-         “I spy something with my little eye that is round.”
-         “I spy something with my little eye that is round and has two hands.” (Clock)
-         “I spy something with my little eye that is a rectangle and has rectangular buttons.” (Calculator)

 Social Studies
This week we are finishing our Weather and Seasons Unit and starting our unit on Plants.  We will learn about rainbows and thunderstorms, nonliving and living things, how we use plants and plant materials.  At home you might discuss where different foods and materials come from.  For example, paper comes from trees and bread comes from wheat. 

*Send in a healthy peanut-free snack and water bottle (with a pull up spout) every day.
* Our classroom gets very chilly sometimes.  Please send in a light jacket or sweater for your child to keep in their back pack. 
* Have your child practice memorizing their lunch number at home.
* Sign your child’s weekly planner every night!
* Library book due every Friday!

Related Arts Schedule
Monday         No School
Tuesday        Music
Wednesday    Music
Thursday       PE
Friday           PE