A note from Ms. Poteet…
I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend!
Continue reading every night for 10-20 minutes, record the title of the book you read on your child’s weekly planner, and practice your flash cards. Don’t forget to sign your child’s weekly planner every night and their weekly report on Friday. Please send the weekly report back on Monday.
This week we will start guided reading groups. Look for your child’s guided reading book to come home on Wednesday. Guided reading books are book that we have worked with in class. Please read the book 2-3 times again at home. Rereading is a great way to build fluency and confidence as a reader. Reading this book can be part of your 10-20 minute nightly reading. Send the book back the following day. Your child will not get to bring another book home, until you send the first one back.
Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering to work with a reading group. We still need a volunteer on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 8:10-8:40 am. Please call or e-mail me if you are interested.
Last Friday your child brought home their first library book. Please send the book back by this Friday in their special library book bag, so your child can check out a new book.
If your child needs to eat breakfast at school, they must be at school by 7:30 am. If your child get’s to school after 7:35 am they don’t have time to eat breakfast.
What are we learning?
Reading Workshop
This week we are learning how to select books for our book bucket, choose a place to read around the room, how to turn and talk during a read aloud, and how to buddy read. We will be visiting the school library on Friday.
Writing Workshop
We are continuing our Kid Writing unit this week. Students will focus stretching our words out like bubble gum to help them figure out how to spell their words. On Friday, we are writing our third entry in our Family Journals. Please take time over the weekend to read your child’s letter to you and respond.
Handwriting instruction will focus on developing fine motor skills as well as the proper formation of the following letters: N, n, P, & p
Word Study
This week, we will explore the letters Nn and Pp. Ask your child about the letter sound chants for both. We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: of, in, was. Have your child sing you the songs for these words.
We are learning to compare length, count and read numbers up to 10, name and describe shape attributes, and how to describe shapes by touch.
Everyday Math Home Link Family Note: It is helpful to be able to recognize and identify a variety of shapes. Ask your child questions about an item’s shape when the opportunity arises and the timing seems appropriate. By taking note of the shapes all around, you help your child build awareness of geometry concepts and vocabulary. Activity: Play I Spy with someone. Pick an object that you can see. Give a clue about the shape of the object. The other person guesses which object you are describing. Begin with easy clues and then give some harder ones. Take turns trying to stump each other. Examples: - “I spy something with my little eye that is round.” - “I spy something with my little eye that is round and has two hands.” (Clock) - “I spy something with my little eye that is a rectangle and has rectangular buttons.” (Calculator) |
Social Studies
This week we are finishing our Weather and Seasons Unit and starting our unit on Plants. We will learn about rainbows and thunderstorms, nonliving and living things, how we use plants and plant materials. At home you might discuss where different foods and materials come from. For example, paper comes from trees and bread comes from wheat.
*Send in a healthy peanut-free snack and water bottle (with a pull up spout) every day.
* Our classroom gets very chilly sometimes. Please send in a light jacket or sweater for your child to keep in their back pack.
* Have your child practice memorizing their lunch number at home.
* Sign your child’s weekly planner every night!
* Library book due every Friday!
Related Arts Schedule
Monday No School
Tuesday Music
Wednesday Music
Thursday PE
Friday PE
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