Playing Outside

Playing Outside

September 22, 2011

September 26, 2011

A note from Ms. Poteet

Wednesday is an Early Release Day.  School will dismiss at 12:25.  Please send in a note if your child’s transportation will change.

Please have your child wear ORANGE on Thursday for our pack activity.  We will play teamwork games with the other classes in the orange hallway. 

The Husky Hustle is this Friday from 1:30-2:15.  This is a family event and the kids love to have families walk with them.  We hope you will join us! Don’t forget to send in your Husky Hustle pledges!  100% of the pledges benefit Harmony students.  We use the money to purchase a new playground.  On Friday your child needs to bring in a water bottle, wear tennis shoes, and dress to run. 

The Harmony Harvest is also this Friday from 6:00-8:00 pm.  Please be sure to take a look at the silent auction items when you come.  I am auctioning a “Pretend Sleepover Party” in our classroom on Friday, December 9th from 7:00-10:00 pm and a “Halloween Bash” on Thursday, October 13th from 2:30-4:00 pm.  The cost of the Pretend Sleepover is $25 and all students are welcome.  It will be a night filled with good treats to eat, games to play, and a movie on the big screen!  The students get to wear their pajamas, bring pillows, stuffed animals, and a sleeping bag.  I hope lots of you sign up for the fun-filled night!  The Halloween Bash is $10 and 10 students will be able to attend.  We will meet after school, dress up in our Halloween costumes, make crafts, and decorate cookies.  It will be a fright filled afternoon.

Kindergarten students are expected to use the Harmony Book Bag throughout the year to transport their belongings back and forth to school.  The book bags help identify kindergarten students to bus drivers, substitutes, and other school employees.  It also makes it easier for me and Ms. Theresa to quickly glance in each student’s bag in the morning to check for lunch checks, folders, and notes that your child may have forgotten to turn in.  We do not have time in the morning to go through all of the compartments in alternative book bags.  If you need to purchase another book bag, the Harmony book stores sells them!  Thanks for your understanding!

Don’t forget to send in a healthy snack every day!  Many students have been forgetting the past two weeks!

What are we learning?
Reading Workshop
This week we will continue learning about strategies good readers use.  This week we will focus on looking for chunks in words and rereading. We will be visiting the school library on Friday.

Writing Workshop
In writing we are going to learn how to use our Writing Folders, how to use an alphabet chart to help use write our words, and learn how to use a booklet.  On Friday, we are writing in our Family Journals.  Please take time over the weekend to read your child’s letter to you and respond. 

Handwriting instruction will focus on developing fine motor skills as well as the proper formation of the following letters:  L, l, K, & k.

Word Study
This week, we will explore the letters Ll and Kk. Ask your child about the letter sound chants for both.  We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: they, had, at. Have your child sing you the songs for these words.

We are learning to use a number board and read and count the tricky teen numbers.   

Everyday Math Home Link
Family Note:
A penny jar provides great mathematics opportunities!  Counting the pennies together reinforces the counting skills we are working on in school.  Estimation is not just guessing.  It is using what you know to make a “smart guess.”

Start a penny jar to collect your family’s pennies.  Once a week, estimate how many coins are in the jar. 

We are continuing to observe our corn growing.  The kids are really enjoying watching the changes.  We will study the differences between deciduous and evergreen plants. 

*Send in a healthy peanut-free snack and water bottle (with a pull up spout) every day.
* Our classroom gets very chilly sometimes.  Please send in a light jacket or sweater for your child to keep in their back pack. 
* Sign your child’s weekly planner every night!
* Library book due every Friday!

Related Arts Schedule
Monday         Art
Tuesday        Art
Wednesday    Art
Thursday       Art
Friday           Art

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