Playing Outside

Playing Outside

September 30, 2011

October 3, 2011

A note from Ms. Poteet

The kids had a blast at the Husky Hustle on Friday.  Out class collected more than $400 for our school to improve our playground equipment.  Great Job!  Thanks to the parents who were able to come out and cheer our kids along. 

We had a great turn out for the Harmony Harvest!  I hope everyone had a wonderful time!

This Friday is our field trip to Huber’s.  We plan to leave school around 8:30am and return around 2:00pm.  We will get to pick a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch, go on a hayride, pick apples, take an adventure through the corn maze, have a picnic lunch, and feed the animals in the petting zoo!  Please dress your child for the weather and in shoes that may get muddy.  They will need to bring a sack lunch and drink.  We will pass out the class T-shirts on Friday (this way, you won’t have to remember to dress your child in their t-shirt).  If you would like to coordinate your child’s outfit, the shirt is orange with navy blue writing.  The design is adorable!

Box Tops for Education are due Friday.  Please send them in a baggie labeled, “Poteet.”  Funds from the Box Tops go directly into our classroom budget.  Keep collecting Box Tops the rest of the year.  Thanks!

Don’t forget to send in a healthy snack every day! 

What are we learning?
Reading Workshop
This week we will continue learning about strategies good readers use.  This week we will focus on using more than one tool to read (flexibility with print strategies), and readers always think about what makes sense. We will be visiting the school library on Monday.

Writing Workshop
In writing we are going to learn how to use a booklet (writing a story with a beginning, middle and end).  We will not be writing in our family journals this week due to our field trip on Friday.     

Handwriting instruction will focus on developing fine motor skills as well as the proper formation of the following letters:  Jj and Ww

Word Study
This week, we will explore the letters Jj , Qq and Ww. Ask your child about the letter sound chants for both.  We will also learn how to read and write these words that will be added to our Word Wall: up, all, and with. Have your child sing you the songs for these words.

We will continue to practice writing numerals, and read and count the tricky teen numbers.  

Everyday Math Home Link
Family Note:  Help your child find patterns around your house and neighborhood. 

Activity:   Look at fences, buildings, doors, windows, wallpaper, and fabrics.  Try to draw some of patterns that you see.  If possible, take a camera along and record some patterns you find.

Social Studies
We will begin to study Native American life.  Our focus will be on the Eastern Woodland and Pacific Northwest regions.  If you have any knowledge of Native American life, share it with your kiddos!

*Send in a healthy snack and water bottle (with a pull up spout) every day.
* Sign your child’s weekly planner every night!
* Library book due every Friday!

Related Arts Schedule
Monday: Art
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Music
Friday: Music

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